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Frequently Asked Questions


Do i need to have prior experience with firearms to take your courses?

No! While we recommend at least having basic firearms safety knowledge, our Level 1 and CCW Classes are designed to get newer shooters comfortable and experienced shooters a refresher on the foundations.


Do I need to have my own firearms/gear?

We recommend having your own firearms and gear for the sake of consistent training, however we do offer rental equipment and firearms if needed. If you need recommendations on what to buy, contact us!


Are there age requirements?

Yes, anyone attending our courses are required to be of legal age in Colorado to own the firearms being used for that class. 18 Years old for rifle courses, 21 years old for pistol courses.


When is payment required for classes?

Payment is required before the class begins(all the way up to the morning of class). We prefer cash, or we can process payment via card, however there will be a 3% processing fee added.


What if it rains or snows?

We believe in the "Train as you fight" mentality. In life, we do not have control over the conditions when things happen, weather being one of those things. In the case of extreme weather where it may be unsafe, classes will be rescheduled, and you will receive a credit for a future class.


I'm nervous about taking a class, can i bring a friend?

While we don't allow spectators in our courses, if you are nervous about taking a class, we encourage you to bring a friend to take the course with you!


I have a question and i don't see it answered here.

Not a problem! Just shoot us an email at and we would be happy to answer any questions you might have!

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